Producing the Archival Body
Jamie A The University of Arizona and 1 more
Not Available
Ghosts of Archive
Verne Harris
Archives, Recordkeeping and Social Justice
David A Wallace
Archiving Caribbean Identity
John Aarons
V S Harris
Jamie A Lee
Urgent Archives
Michelle Caswell
Archiving Cultures
Jeannette A Emerita Professor at Simmons University Bastian
The Materiality of the Archive
Sue Breakell
The Nordic Model of Digital Archiving
Greg Bak and 1 more
Exhibiting the Archive
Peter Lester
The Remaking of Archival Values
Victoria Hoyle
John A Aarons and 2 more
Documentation from Truth and Reconciliation Commissions
Proscovia Svärd and 1 more
Jeannette A Bastian